Lions Speech Competition - Orewa College Dominates Event • Orewa College
News / 11 Jun 2024

Lions Speech Competition - Orewa College Dominates Event

Natalie Sou and Maria Walker-Kinnell represented Orewa College at the 2024 Lions Young Speechmakers Competition - Auckland Regional level over King's birthday weekend.

They had to give a prepared speech and an impromptu speech with only one minute's preparation. Against very tough competition and under extreme pressure they both showed manaaki and performed with beyond excellent speaking skills.

Maria placed 1st and Natalie came 3rd against schools from across Auckland which is a remarkable result.

Thanks to Daryl Crosby, Youth Chairman of the Orewa Lions Club for supporting the speakers and funding the competition.

Maria and Natalie will represent Auckland at the National competition in Wellington in August. The school is very proud of both of them.