Information / General Information

Absentees and Leave

Student Absence (e.g. sickness, appointments)

Please advise us any time your child is going to be absent from school via the School Bridge app.

To download the Schoolbridge app - please follow the instructions HERE.

If a student is marked absent and we have not been notified of an absence by a caregiver, a text message will be sent to the listed primary caregiver, who can then reply on the day of receiving the text message.

All unexplained absences are reported to students and their caregivers weekly. Attendance is available to view live on the web portal by students and all listed caregivers.

Planned Absences (e.g family holidays)

If a student is absent from school during term time, please click HERE for the procedures.

Students must inform their teachers of their planned absence.

Students are likely to be ineligible for an NCEA assessment that is held during their absence. For information on the extension criteria/application, please CLICK HERE

​Attendance affecting eligibility

Attendance lower than 85% may affect students eligibility to participate in school trips/events. Your child’s attendance can be monitored on the school WebPortal and their attendance percentage is printed on academic reports and can be requested by emailing

Appointments Leave (Doctor, Dentist, Physio etc.)

If your child has an arranged appointment, please order an 'exit pass' via the School Bridge app in advance. A pass will be emailed to the student so they can show their teacher if they need to leave during class time.

Year 7 and 8 students leaving during the school day must be collected by a listed caregiver (or pre-arranged authorised adult) from the Deans' Hub.

Students Arriving Late

Students who arrive late to school must sign in at Deans/Attendance Hub with a note or email from their caregiver explaining their absence. The email can be sent, from a listed caregiver in advance, to