The Centre works collaboratively with all areas of the school to ensure that students who require specific support have their needs met in an appropriate and effective manner. We are privileged to have a dedicated and highly skilled team of Teachers and Teaching Assistants available to facilitate the support and learning needs of many students.
Students with specific MoE funding (ORS) participate as much as possible and practically within mainstream classes and curricular activities as they are first and foremost members of the school community. In addition, they are provided with a comprehensive literacy, numeracy and key competency programme within the Centre to meet their needs. All students, regardless of specific funding or not, are supported as much as is possible and practical at Orewa College according to their academic and other needs.
The Learning Support Centre liaises closely with the Ministry of Education resources and links in with learning and behavior specialists, Occupational Therapists, RTLB and other support initiatives as required. Other programmes and support incentives include: