2023 House Competition Winner • Orewa College
News / 09 Oct 2023

2023 House Competition Winner

The House System has finished!

After an epic three terms of battling it out, the winner is BATTEN HOUSE!

A huge congratulations to the team - Mr Baker, the house leaders and the rest of the team of Kahurangi have done it for 2023!

Batten house will be rewarded with a trip to Parakai Hot Pools.

This year was the closest it has ever been. Every house had a glimpse of greatness and a time at the top. However, by only one point, Batten managed to secure the win.

The house system at Orewa College is one of the three main pillars of the school. It provides us with enjoyment, creativity, healthy competition and most importantly a sense of belonging.

This year house system was made for all ākonga to feel that they could contribute to the success of their house, whether it was building a raft, designing a garment, chalk drawing or even playing video games, the house system caters for all.

Once again congratulations BATTEN HOUSE winners of the 2023 House Competition.

Here are the final placings for the house system 2023;