Building Responsible, Confident & Motivated Learners

Building Responsible, Confident, and Motivated Learners
At Orewa College, our mission is to nurture young adults who are responsible, independent, and motivated—ready to take on the world with confidence and pride. Through the unique Ako Orewa learning programme, students gain essential tools to grow as well-balanced individuals who are capable of meeting challenges and exceeding expectations.

What is Ako Orewa?

Ako Orewa is more than a learning programme—it’s a philosophy that aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum. It empowers students to:

  • Take ownership of their learning journey
  • Reflect on their learning processes (ako means to teach and learn)
  • Develop skills for self-assessment and self-motivation
  • Set personal goals, plan projects, and manage their progress

By fostering a “can-do” attitude, Ako Orewa prepares students to thrive in any situation.

Key Elements of Ako Orewa

  1. Understanding Their Learning Process

    • Why am I learning this?
    • What level of thinking have I achieved?
    • What’s my next step?
    • Why is continuous learning important?
  2. Creating a Supportive Learning Environment

    • Understand the context of what’s being learned
    • Collaborate in social settings
    • Manage schedules effectively
  3. Maximising Tools and Skills

    • Go beyond expectations to excel
    • Personalise approaches to challenges
    • Create a positive impact on the world

Preparing for the Future

Ako Orewa equips students with a foundation for lifelong learning. By understanding their unique learning styles and needs, they develop the confidence to tackle new challenges with clarity and purpose.

Partnering with Parents and Whānau

We encourage you to kōrero with your tamariki about their learning. Everyday moments—whether at home, during sports, or while exploring hobbies—can become opportunities to reinforce these skills and values.

Together, we can support our students to thrive, not just academically, but in every aspect of life.