Reporting Absences

If your child is unable to attend school, please inform us as soon as possible:

If a student is marked absent without prior notice:

  • A text message will be sent to the first primary caregiver.
  • Please reply to the message on the same day.
  • Unexplained absences will be treated as truancy.

Appointments Leave

For appointments during school hours (doctor, dentist, physio, etc.):

  • Use the SchoolBridge App to request an "exit pass" in advance.
  • The pass will be emailed to the student and shown to their teacher when leaving.

For Year 7 and 8 students:

  • A caregiver or pre-authorized adult must collect them from the Deans’ Hub.

Late Arrivals

Students arriving late must:

  • Sign in at the Deans’ Hub.
  • Bring a note from their caregiver explaining the reason for lateness.

Planned Absences

If your child will miss school during the term, please:

  1. Email the details of the absence in advance, including dates and reason, to [email protected].
  2. Students will receive a form to complete with signatures from all their teachers.  Instructions here.

Important: Students may not be eligible for NCEA assessments schedule during their absence.

Attendance of at least 90% is expected. Poor attendance can affect eligibility for:

  • Restricted courses.
  • School trips and activities.

You can monitor attendance:

  • Web Portal or App: Access detailed attendance records.
  • Attendance Reports: Request a report by emailing [email protected].

By ensuring regular attendance and clear communication, we support every student’s success at Orewa College.