​Concerns Pathway

In any organisation involving a large number of people, complaints and allegations will be inevitable. Complaints are treated promptly, seriously and professionally and the rights of all related parties involved are protected. Resolution of complaints is based on restorative practices

In our experience, concerns are much more likely to be resolved quickly and effectively when the concern is presented using appropriate pathways.

Curriculum (e.g. subject / classroom)
Behavioural or PastoralCo-Curricular (sports, music etc)
If your concern is regarding a classroom or academic matter, please contact the homeroom teacher (Year 7 & 8) or the subject teacher for (Year 9-13).If your concern is about behaviour or pastoral care, you can contact the homeroom teacher (Year 7 & 8) or the Year Level Dean for (Year 9-13).If your concern is about involvement in a co-curricular activity you can contact the Coach or Group Leader.
If your concern is not resolved, please contact:
Please contact the Head of DepartmentYear Level Dean (Year 7 & 8)The Teacher in Charge
If your concern is not resolved, please contact:
Year Level Deputy PrincipalYear Level Deputy PrincipalDirector of Sport then DP in charge of sport 

If your concern is not resolved it then becomes a formal complaint
Your complaint needs to be submitted in writing to the Principal.
Referral to Guidance consideredInvestigation carried out based on written complaint.A meeting may be required if information in the written complaint is unclear.
Response from Principal provided in writing after investigation has been completed.
If your concern is not resolved it becomes a formal complaint to the Board of Trustees
Your complaint needs to be submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees Secretary for the next meeting (monthly)

Resources must be used wisely and be focus on teaching and learning. Concerns can often be resolved early with a face to face meeting. We are not resourced to be able to offer multiple or lengthy meetings. In order to get the most out of meetings, concerns should be outlined in writing, in advance. Attendees may then prepare information so meetings can be as productive and efficient as possible.

Any person attending the meeting may bring a support person. It is not school policy to record (audio or visual) conversations as this can hinder open and honest communication.

Serious Allegations

Allegations involving assault may be referred directly to the Police, in which case the complaints procedure may not be followed. If allegations are determined by the Principal to be serious, the Board Chair will be informed immediately and a decision would be made as to what other related parties should be consulted.


All concerns involving staff are referred directly to the Principal.

Students With Concerns

Students can address their concerns in the first instance to any staff member such as the Guidance Counsellor or another staff member they feel comfortable with. The student may request the incident is dealt with under confidentiality, however, this may be reconsidered if there are serious health & safety issues identified. If a verbal concern can be resolved by talking it through, then no further action is required and no record need be kept.

Media / Public Interest

Responses to the media are to come from either the Chair of the Board of Trustees or the Principal.

Orewa College will not comment to persons other than those caregivers listed on the students record.