Saturday 7 September to Friday 13 September - AIMS Tournament Week
Wednesday 4 September - Out of Zone Enrolments Close
Friday 6 September - Saturday 7 September - Dance Festival Show
Wednesday 11 September - Enrolment Ballot Date
Wednesday 11 September - Music Gala Concert
Thursday 12 to Friday 13 November - Numeracy & Literacy Exams (Year 10)
Thursday 12 September to Friday 13 September - DCAT Level 2/3 Exams
Next week, on Thursday 12 September and Friday 13 September invited students will have the opportunity to complete the Literacy and/or Numeracy Co-Requisite exams. Students will receive invitations this week. Please see the schedule.
Seeking nominations for Manaaki Champions!
We are looking for individuals who truly embody our manaaki values: respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for the environment.
We are calling on parents and our wider school community to have their say on who they believe has made the school community a better place through their actions.
To become a successful recipient of a Manaaki Values Award the nominees will have been judged to have shown:
Here are the full criteria for the Manaaki Values Awards
Here is the nomination form. You can nominate more than one candidate by filling the form out more than once.
Thank you to our sponsors Northern Union and Hoyts Whangaparāoa.
The safety of our students at the pedestrian crossing outside the school is a top priority. While the presence of lollipop patrols has significantly increased safety, we kindly remind all drivers not to stop their vehicles to drop off students directly at the crossing when it is not in use.
Instead, please pull over safely further down on the left side to let students out. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community safe!
A marked detour will be in place via Kahikatia Flat Road and Dairy Flat Highway.
Details and updates are listed on AT’s website here, under the Pine Valley Road tab.
Students and caregivers that use this road to travel to and from school will need to anticipate different traffic flow and potentially need to leave earlier to be at school on time.
209 Bus - PINE VALLEY ROAD DETOUR from Monday 2/9/24
Students that usually get picked up along Pine Valley Road will need to now be picked up / dropped off at the corner of Kahikatea Flat Road and White Hills Road.
This might add a small amount of time to the trip so the timetable might change slightly.
Here is a map indicating the new route (in green) and where the road works is taking place (in red).
Click on the map for an enlarged version.
A prestigious speech competition for secondary students, nurturing young leaders and preserving the Māori language.
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Sporting Pathways Programme, designed specifically for aspiring student athletes in Years 9 and 10.