​Careers Hub Information 25 May 2020 • Orewa College
News / 25 May 2020

​Careers Hub Information 25 May 2020

Year 13 students and school leavers should be beginning to plan what they want to do next year. With only 20 school weeks left, it is important for at least a Plan A & Plan B to be given some consideration. To assist with this, students are encouraged to use the Google Classroom for Careers, do some of their own research and speak with someone in the Careers Hub. To assist with this, there has been and continues to be a number of Tertiary providers with webinars that are available to students (Victoria University has a variety this week and next). Each Year 13 Form class will have a presentation to make them more aware of the opportunities and assistance available to them.

Upcoming dates - QRC Friday 5th June Interval in the OAEC for Year 12 & 13 students.

University Scholarships for Year 13 Students

MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2021. The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every University as well as those specifically available to local students. A list of privately-funded, Maori, Pacific and International University scholarships completes the list. Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success. For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit theMoneyHub Scholarship page