2019 Start up information • Orewa College
Event / 10 Dec 2018

2019 Start up information

New Students to Orewa College (students starting at Orewa College for the first time)

- Start Wednesday 30 January. Students and families are invited to the Welcome Powhiri which starts at 8.40am and lasts about an hour. Please assemble on the courts in front of rooms 10 & 11.

After the Welcome Powhiri Year 7, 8, 9 students remain for the day for peer support and induction programmes (Students need to bring their morning tea and lunch). Year 10 -13 students have a tour of the school, meet their Form teacher and Deans and finalise their timetables. After this they may leave at approximately 11.30am.

Returning Students to Orewa College

- Start Thursday 31 January 8.40am.

Year 8 students assemble on the Courts outside Room 10

Year 9 students go to assembly in the OCAE

Year 10 students go to Form class (check timetable on WebPortal on Thursday 24 January)

Year 11 students go to Form class

Year 12 students go to Form class

All students are expected to be in full uniform including compulsory Orewa College hats.

Click here for more information

Course Confirmation for 2019

Timetables for 2019 will be available on Thursday 24 January on the Webportal. Please check these timetables by Wednesday 30 January.

Year 9 & 10

Any students that have gaps or wish to change subjects for 2019 must email their Dean.

Year 9 Dean: Mrs Zelda Vermeulen z.vermeulen@orewacollege.nz

Year 10 Dean: Mrs Jo Wilding j.wilding@orewacollege.nz

Year 11 -13 students

Any students that have gaps or need to change a subject on their timetable they must attend Course Confirmation on Wednesday 30 January 11.30am - 1.30pm in the OAEC. If students do not attend the Course Confirmation day they will not be able to make any changes to their timetable.

If students timetables are complete and correct they do NOT need to attend Course Confirmation.