Activities / Arts

Dance Troupes

Dance Troupes work towards performances in DanceNZMade

Open Class

Open classes will run on a Wednesday morning, 7:30am-8:30am in both dance studios.

These will start in week 4 and be run by our awesome 2024 performing arts student leaders & Miss Woodroffe. Hip Hop Open class will be in the small dance room, this will be led by Rikki Taer & Kate Barton. Here students will learn short dances and movement techniques, gaining confidence in an inclusive dance environment.

Lyrical/Contemporary Open class will be run by Melissa Ramlov & Victoria Clark. All students are welcome.

Please click on the attached Dance Rehearsal Schedule.

Competitive dance troupes/crews

This year we will have 4 different competitive dance troupes/crews.

Adore - 7&8 Hip Hop Crew - Run by Shanaye Everleigh & Kasey Greenhalgh

OsCillations Junior - 7-10 Jazz/Contemporary dance troupe - Run by Miss Woodroffe & Lachlan Buckley

TriXters - 9-13 Hip Hop Crew - Run by Summer Johnson

OsCillations - 10-13 Jazz/Contemporary troupe - Run by Miss Woodroffe & Grace Brand

Rehearsals will start week 5. They will be before school in D1 from 7:30-8:30am.

Auditions will be during lunchtime in week 4 in D1. Students must keep an eye out in the notices & on the Performing arts instagram page for sign up details.

Troupe/Crew Auditions:

Monday 19th Feb @ lunchtime - OsCillations Junior

Tuesday 20th Feb @ lunchtime - TriXters

Wednesday 21st Feb @ lunchtime - Adore

Thursday 22nd Feb @ lunchtime - OsCillations

Teacher in charge

Ms K Woodroffe Email
